This Weekend in San Luis Obispo
This past weekend I flew the coop for some air and perspective and man, did I get it. It’s amazing how California is so diverse, that just one town over has a whole different culture, or subculture if you choose to call it so. Traveling about 300 miles through towns and cities I stopped often to feel the vibe. Mixed with goods and bads, but nothing outrageous or dastardly. I feel like society, at least from where I viewed has become a parody of itself. I am a bit of a shut in, so perhaps I am a bit salty or biased.
I didn’t take many tourist pictures because why? Somethings I just thought were cool visuals, so I took a few.
Image of a wall in Gumball Alley located in Downtown San Luis Obispo
Image of a wall in Gumball Alley located in Downtown San Luis Obispo
View point from Route 154 leaving SLO
Pulled off to the side of Mulholland Drive on the route back into Malibu. It was refreshing.
“Behind the Triangle” First painting of the trip.
“Not Even Close” I enjoy painting women that are not always considered the most desirable. They tend to have more depth.
“Rectangle Wedge” Painted this 2 Margaritas deep. Questioning my existence as one does 2 Margaritas deep.
“Staring At The Ocean” Watercolor sketch from a 2D perspective. I imagined the ocean contents. Ah, and the brain rock.
“Triangle Cross” 3 Margaritas deep. Inspired by a language I’m trying to imitate.
‘Sunday Morning” Last painting of the trip. It was time to go back.